Many individuals believe that a decline in testosterone is the sole cause of erectile dysfunction in men. However, in reality, a decline in testosterone may be present in many men at various stages in their lives. Although testosterone is naturally produced in the ovaries, the levels produced are typically quite low in healthy aging men. For example, healthy young men may have normal testosterone levels. While older men may show a decline in testosterone levels. Some men experience symptoms of low testosterone, even though they are well into their older years.
A prime example of symptoms of low testosterone production is decreased libido or the inability to have an erection. In addition to having difficulties having erections, older men may also notice that their ability to retain an erection is reduced or that they cannot maintain it for long enough to have an orgasm. Another symptom of decreased testosterone production is depression, which occurs frequently in older men because their testosterone levels are no longer high enough to produce feelings of happiness or contentment.
A decline in testosterone also has a negative effect on bone mass. Testosterone helps to build up and maintain healthy bone mass. As testosterone helps to build bone mass, older men who experience a reduction in their testosterone production will find that their bones become weak and brittle.
There are numerous other symptoms of low testosterone that may cause erectile dysfunction in older men. Testosterone deficiencies can also lead to increased body fat levels and weight gain. One other condition that is associated with low testosterone levels is diabetes. In fact, decreased levels of this vital hormone are often connected to the occurrence of diabetic neuropathy, which impairs circulation to the extremities, such as the legs. Also, diabetics are more likely than younger people to suffer from low testosterone levels and this disease can often lead to coronary artery disease.
When it comes to energy levels, the relationship between low testosterone and older men is not direct. While it is true that younger men often rely heavily on energy drinks, energy gels, and multivitamins to keep up energy levels, many of these same products also contain testosterone. As it turns out, low levels of testosterone have been linked to a diminished ability to lose weight and to increase energy. In addition, many prescription medications contain testosterone. Therefore, if low levels of testosterone are present, it can lead to prescription side effects, including the inability to become aroused from sleep, inability to control ejaculation, fatigue, and an overall decline in sexual function. This same deterioration may occur even when low levels of estrogen are present, leading to the inability to feel the pleasure of sexual activity and to maintain libido.
For many years, doctors routinely measured testosterone levels in blood samples taken from men. However, with the advent of many new and more complex tests for measuring testosterone levels, blood testing has become commonplace not only in men but also in women. The reason for this is that doctors have learned that the most reliable results come from performing blood tests that measure the levels of total testosterone in a person’s blood over a course of several weeks. While a blood test does provide more information about a person’s testosterone levels than has ever before been available, understanding how and why testosterone plays a role in bodily processes is a dynamic field of medical research that continues to advance.
Low testosterone naturally occurs in both men and women. It is not a cause of concern, just like the low levels of estrogen are not considered a cause of concern. There are various causes of low testosterone in men. The causes are not the same in both sexes and the symptoms associated with low levels of testosterone can be similar for both genders.
Low testosterone is a medical condition where the testicles fail to release the male sexual hormone testosterone into the bloodstream. In younger males, the normal testosterone level is around 650. If the testosterone level is below 300, this would be considered an adult male having low testosterone symptoms. The symptoms of low testosterone are commonly thought of as erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle strength, decrease in energy levels, loss of libido, lack of interest in sex and increase in fat deposits.
If the levels of testosterone in the blood are lower than the accepted norms, then this could be the reason for erectile dysfunction and the other symptoms that may be addressed at a local ED clinic for a diagnosis. A doctor could prescribe a low testosterone cream or tablet to help the afflicted individual. This should be taken once or twice a day as recommended. This should be taken every morning after the completion of your last meal.
Bone Loss: Another symptom of low testosterone might notice that the bone mass suddenly starts decreasing. This could be because of the decreased testosterone levels in the body. This would then lead to bone pain, weakness and frequent breaks as the body battles to digest and absorb the nutrients in the food. As you age, your body loses a large amount of bone mass. This is usually accentuated in your lower body especially your legs. If you notice a trend of bone loss, then you need to ensure that you watch your diet and make sure you eat plenty of calcium and protein, which helps build up your bone mass.
Mood Swings: There are other psychological effects that low testosterone levels can have on an individual. These are mainly due to the way how the brain and the hypothalamus work. In essence, the function of these two glands is to secrete neurotransmitters that regulate the level of hormones in the body. Once the pituitary gland becomes over stimulated, these hormones will be produced in great quantities. When this happens, you will start to feel depressed and anxious most of the time. You will also notice that your thought processes are slowed down.
All these symptoms could be attributed to a deficiency in the production of testosterone but what you can do about it is through natural treatments and lifestyle changes. It is important that you consult your doctor before taking any hormonal replacement therapy. The doctor can assess your condition and give you advice as to which level of HGH therapy is best for you. You can also consider some of the natural treatment methods like acupuncture and massages as they have been found to help boost the levels of testosterone in the body. However, these methods do not have any side effects and you can easily recover from them.
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